Wednesday, February 2, 2011


SO! HAPPY! It started yesterday with my walk to Parkview Pet Supplies to see Joe. Here's a picture of me on my walk.
See how snowy I am? It was already snowing and we were the only ones there. I got lots of lamb puffs. Mmmmmm! Lamb puffs! Then my humans stood around talking and I got bored so I went over and helped myself to a lamb ear. SO GOOD!! MMMMMMMM! Lamb ears! Another please! They wouldn't let me get another. If I'm not supposed to help myself, why is the basket of lamb ears where I can reach it? Huh? They didn't have an answer for that.

When it was time for my late walk, it was really windy and snowy out. We walked down half the block. I fell in a snow drift and then there was lightning. Huh?! It's not supposed to do that! I'm going inside – NOW! I peed and ran back home. All night I could hear the wind and snow. Once all the lights went out. My humans went around lighting candles. Whatever. I just went to sleep. But the lights came back on.

This morning I was so excited! It was cold and windy and there was so much snow on the ground! First we went to the park. I had to jump through lots of snow drifts. I thought there would be lots of dogs in the park, but we were the only ones there. Here's a picture of me in the empty park.

Hello? Um. Hello? Where is everyone? Then my friend Barry came out. I was so happy to see him that I even played with him a little. Here's a picture of me and Barry.
He's bigger than he looks in this picture. Here's a picture of me playing with Barry.
I'm rolling in the snow. I don't know what Barry's doing. Then we headed back home. The snow was so deep that we walked down the middle of the street. Here's a picture of me walking in the street.
There were only a few cars out. When we got home I didn't want to go inside so I sat in the yard while my human shoveled the snow. Here's a picture of me in the yard.
Here's another picture of me in the yard.
Just shovel around me, please. It was snowing again. Here's a picture of me after just a little while in the snow.
It was like a snow blanket. It felt so good!!!

Soon lots of people were out shoveling. I just stayed in the yard and guarded the front gate. Here's a picture of me guarding the gate.

Our new neighbor dog came out, so I had to leave the yard. He's not friendly. Whatever. I went and hung out in the middle of the street with my friend Kona. She found a stick. Here's a picture of me and Kona playing with her stick.
Here's a picture of me taking the stick away from Kona.
It's blurry because it's an action shot. The stick broke so she still got a piece of it. Here's a picture of me and Kona playing with our pieces of the stick.
Mine's bigger. She found another stick. Here's a picture of us playing with her new stick.
She wouldn't let go. Here's another picture of me and Kona in the middle of the street.
There was no room for cars, so we didn't have to get out of the way for anyone. It was our street. Here's a picture of me in the middle of my street.
It should be like this all the time.

Then my human made me go inside. I didn't want to. But we only stayed in for a little while and then we went back out again. This time we walked all the way to Starbuck's. We didn't go through the park though – we walked right down Lake Shore Drive! Here's a picture of me with my human in the middle of Lake Shore Drive.

There were other people walking on Lake Shore Drive too. We had to jump out of the way for snow plows a couple of times. Hey! You're going the wrong way! They didn't care. We sat outside Starbuck's for awhile since it was so nice out. I got some whipped cream. Mmmmmm! Whipped cream!! And cinnamon coffee cake! Mmmmm! Coffee cake! It was lowfat. I don't care – it still tasted good. A bunch of people took my picture. I look good in the snow. Then we walked all through the houses toward Parkview. I wanted to go see Joe, but I wasn't allowed. My humans said he was closed. I don't know what that means. When we got home I still didn't want to go inside, so I sat in the yard again while my humans shoveled some more. Here's a picture of me in the yard.
The snow was really deep. My human is shoveling in the background. I even took a nap on the sidewalk out front while they shoveled the yard. Here's a picture of me on the sidewalk.
Look at all the snow! Then my human got tired and we took a nap together. Here's a picture of us taking a nap in the yard.

Here's another one.
He's squinting because the sun is coming out. Eventually my humans said we had to go inside. No! I don't wanna! Here's a picture of me refusing to go inside.
They made me. Whatever. It was still the best day ever! The only thing that could make it better is if there were sausages...I said, the only thing that could make it better is if there were sausages...Hello? Um. Hello? Sigh.


  1. Yup, she sure seems to be enjoying it, just like Dundee Boy.
    Did you take any video?

  2. This must have been your dream come true, Grizzly! What great photos.

  3. Yeah. I think it should be like this all year long! No videos human is kind of uncoordinated. Sigh.

  4. I stayed toasty warm inside. You should try sitting on a heater sometime, way better than snow blankets!

  5. Um...That's because you're practically bald all over. I was born with a fur coat. I'm toasty warm outside when it's twenty degrees. I'd die inside on a heater! It makes me pant just thinking about it! Water please!! Extra ice!!!
