Sunday, February 6, 2011

More snow!!!

This morning it was snowing again! I was so happy! I could've stayed outside all day. First I saw my friend Maggie. Here's a picture of me and Maggie.

Her human is petting my head. I got to lie around in the snow for a long time, but eventually my human made me go inside. We were inside for hours. Why?? I don't know. Finally we went out again. We walked all the way to Starbuck's. Oh boy, whipped cream! I didn't get any whipped cream. Huh? I'll have a venti whipped cream, please. What do you mean they don't make those? Okay, two grande whipped creams then. I still didn't get any. Then we went to the beach. There was a tennis ball on the beach. It was frozen! Here's a picture of me with the tennis ball.

It tasted icy! I played with the tennis ball for a long time. Here's a video of me playing with the tennis ball.

It was so much fun! Let's stay here all day! I wasn't allowed. The beach was so snowy. Here's a picture of me on the beach in the snow.

It looks just like Norway. Then we went home. I didn't want to go inside but they made me. Hmph. At least I got a lamb ear when I got upstairs. Mmmmmm! Lamb ears!! Mmmmmmm.


  1. Awesome video! Grizzly, you look like a puppy running around in the snow! Looks like the snow invigorates you, also makes you look younger.

  2. I. LOVE. SNOW. And I had the beach all to myself!

  3. It's so great to see a video of you, Grizzly! Usually we just see you posing nicely or lying down. You are a fast runner!
