Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Life. Is. Good.

So, I haven't written on my blog in awhile. It's not my fault! My human is lazy. I've been doing lots of fun things. Like eating baby rabbits!! So far the score is Grizzly=4, Baby Rabbits=0. Wait, does rabbit poop count? My number would be a lot higher if it does!

I've been spending lots of time in my backyard. here's a picture of me enjoying my backyard.

Mine! Mine! Mine!

Here's another picture of me in my backyard.

I'm excellent at camouflage!

My human built me a rabbit blind. Here's a picture of me in my rabbit blind.

Yeah, the rabbits would definitely have to be blind NOT to see me. I'll stick to my own hiding skills, thank you!

For Grizzly Day my human got me a Puppucino from Starbuck's. Here's a picture of me eating my Puppuccino.

More please! I didn't get any more.

Did I mention my backyard has raspberries? Here's a picture of me eating a raspberry.

There's a cherry tree too! My human says when I eat the fallen cherries my poop is the pits. Huh? I don't get it. Whatever.

I got to go to the beach a lot this summer too. Here's a picture of me at the beach.

So much fun!! We should go there every day. After I hunt for rabbits in the gardens.

Wait, did I not go to Ribfest this year? Why didn't I go to Ribfest????!!! Hmph!! At least I get to go Trick or Treating soon because it's almost Halloween. i know it's almost Halloween because my human made me do this.

What do you mean dogs don't Trick or Treat? Going door to door and begging for treats? That's definitely something a dog would do! Dress up? Costume? Uh, nevermind. I'll just send my human out for steaks. Or Popeye's! Yeah, steaks and Popeye's! And make it a double!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Doing Stuff With Roethke

The past month Roethke has gone to agility with me. We carpool. I don't get that. I see a car, but I don't see any pool. My human takes pictures of us in the car. Not in the pool. Again, no pool.

Here's a picture of us in the car.

We're hoping for treats. We didn't get any.

We also went to Home Depot together. It was kind of boring. There was a hot dog stand. I could smell it, but I didn't get any hot dogs. Sigh.

Here's a picture of us at Home Depot.

It's blurry. No wait, I'm blurry! Maybe it's because of the no hot dog situation. I get blurry when I don't eat.

We went for a long walk in the park. Here's a picture of us in the park.

Pretty self-explanatory.

We hung out on the back deck too. Here's a picture of us on the back deck.

Yeah, good times.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy 2015!

I don't know how it got to be 2015 already. One minute I was having fun at a cabin in Michigan and the next thing I know my human is dragging a dead tree out of the house!

In October I went to My Sweet Adeline's cabin in Michigan with my friend, Knuckles. Our humans came too. I got to run around off leash and go in the lake and woods. I even got to chase a raccoon! Then I was on leash again. But I can't chase the raccoon when I'm on leash - take it off! My human didn't take it off. Here are some pictures from my cabin trip.

Here's me in front of the cabin.

Here's me on the dock in the backyard. 

Here's me taking my morning dip.

Knuckles is a late sleeper, so I spent some time alone in the morning. Here's me exploring on my own.

 Here's me playing with a stick in the backyard.

Here's me in the neighbor's yard.

Here's me and the neighbor dog, Lucy.

Here we are in her backyard.

Here's me taking my afternoon dip with Lucy.

Oh, look who's up. Here's me resting while Lucy and Knuckles play.

Yeah, just keep it over there and we'll be fine.

Here's me and Knuckles hitting the road.


Here's me and Knuckles taking a late afternoon dip.


 Here's me drying off after my late afternoon dip. Do I smell raccoon??? 

Here's me in the yard after chasing the raccoon.

Seriously, the leash is not necessary!

Here's me on the dock, post raccoon chase.

Here's me and Knuckles forced to pose in the front yard.

 Here's me resting in the cabin.

I give My Sweet Adeline's 4 PAWS UP!!! When are we going back? I bet they have lots of rabbits there in the winter!