Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Big 'C'

I've been having a pretty good year so far. My human was off work for awhile and we hung out a lot. Then she started working really long hours, but my other human started coming over every day to feed and walk me. He brings lots of treats like steak and cheese, so it's been lots of fun! Now my human is back home and in between fun stuff she's been dragging me to the vet - not fun at all. She says I'm sick. But I don't feel sick! I feel fine. I feel like having some steak. And cheese. She says feeling fine is what life's all about and now I'm going to get even more spoiled than before. I say it's about time.

Here's a picture of me with a package from The Live Like Roo Foundation. Knuckle's moms sent it to me.

See all that great stuff??!!! It's mine, so I can eat it all now, right? I wasn't allowed to eat it all. It came with a card of bucket list suggestions. Um, I can make my own bucket list, thank you. I'll have a bucket of ribs, a bucket of fried chicken - extra crispy, a bucket of biscuits and gravy - extra gravy, a bucket of cheeseburgers, a bucket of fries, a bucket of baby rabbits - and make it all a double!! Yeah, I think I'm gonna like this being more spoiled thing!

1 comment:

  1. You deserve it all and more! Enjoy! I’m praying for a miracle for you - you deserve one. At least one!
