Sunday, April 15, 2018

Lakewood Dog Park!

Last week I went to Lakewood Dog Park. It was really muddy and I got to look through the woods for rabbits. I didn't find any.

Here's a picture of me at Lakewood Dog Park.

I might have better luck with the rabbits if I didn't have to wear an orange vest. Here are two more pictures of me at LDP.

My human says those pictures are a perfect example of why I have to wear an orange vest. Hmph.

Here's a picture of me on one of the big paths.

It was a long climb.

Here's another picture of me in the woods.

Still no bunnies.

Here's a picture of me by a big log. This looks like a good place for rabbits to hide!

Nope. Not there either.

Or there.

Here, bunny, bunny, bunny!

Here's a picture of me by a picnic table.

Um, hey, why didn't we bring a picnic? My humans didn't have a good answer for that. The bunny hunt was a bust. At least there was lots of good stuff to smell. Here's a picture of me smelling something good.

Mmmmmm. We walked all around the park. Here's a picture of me in a really dark, muddy part.

There are really big fields of grass there too. Here's a picture of me out standing in a field of grass.

My human says I'm outstanding period. I don't get it. I didn't get any rabbits either. Or a picnic. Why did we come here again? Oh yeah, to smell stuff in the woods. Yeah, good times.

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