Friday, December 9, 2011

Winter is BACK!!

It's been a long time since I posted on my blog, but I've been doing lots of fun stuff. I go to nose fun class every week. How does nose fun class work? It's pretty easy. I sniff a bunch of boxes and my human has to guess when I'm sniffing the one that has the birch scent or treats in it. My human is kind of slow, so I have to give her hints like sticking my head in the box really far or pawing at it and shoving it around. When she thinks it's the right box, she says "Yes! Good girl!" and I get treats. I get lots of treats! Here's a picture of me at nose fun class giving my human a really big hint that this is the right box.
Oh boy! Treats!!

Last week I went to a nursing home to visit. Everybody was so nice and they gave me LOTS of milkbones! Mmmmmmmmmmmilkbones!! Can we go back soon? Please???

This week I went to a tricks class. I learned to put my paws up an things like chairs and steps. Here's a picture of my doing my "paws up" trick.
Hey! That will come in really handy at coffee tables and counters where they have food!

I also went to a school with Safe Humane Chicago this week. I got petted by lots and lots of kids. Don't I get string cheese for this? I didn't get any string cheese.

But today was the best day of all. Why? SNOW!!! That's why! I was so excited when I smelled the snow. I could have just laid down in it all day, but instead I got to play with my friend Roethke! His sister Ariel died this week, so I've been playing with Roethke a lot so he doesn't get too sad. I liked Ariel. We all went to the beach last week and it was lots of fun. Here's a picture of me playing with Roethke in the SNOW today!
Here's another picture of us playing.
In the SNOW! He brought his ball and we played lots of games. Here's a picture of us playing "Jaws of Death!" where I hold the ball between my teeth so Roethke can't get it.
Here's a picture of us playing "Blink!" where we see who's going to get it first.
There's a lot of paw slapping in that game! Here are some pictures of us boxing.
They're action shots. It looks like I'm hurting him, but I'm not. Here's a picture of us about to play "Dare!" where I dare Roethke to try and take the ball away.
And here's a picture of us playing "Dare!" without my human distracting us.
Go ahead - I dare you! I double dare you! We played so much we both got tired. Here's a picture of us resting.
Do we look happy? We are SO happy!

I could have stayed out all day, but my human made me go inside because she was cold. Huh? It's not cold out here! I got to roll in the snow before she made me go inside. Here's a picture of me rolling in the snow.
It's a close up. It's going to snow some more, right?

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