Monday, November 14, 2011


The other day I went to Wisconsin. It was a long car ride there. We passed a sign for Fond du Lac. Oh boy! I love the lake and I love fondue - cheese and chocolate, please! We didn't go to Fond du Lac...turns out it's not what I thought anyway.

We went to Columbus, Wisconsin instead. When we got there I was so excited - it was colder than at home and it smelled so good outside! I smell rabbit, and squirrel, and deer, and skunk, and mmmmmmm countryside smells!! But we didn't stay outside at all. Instead I had to sit inside almost the whole time. Here's a picture of me in the living room.
Do I look bored to you? Here's a picture of me on Cocoa's bed.
Mmmmmmm. Cocoa! I like mine with whipped cream and marshmallows! My human kept trying to take a picture of me and Cocoa together. Here's a picture of me and Cocoa in the kitchen.
My human said we didn't cooperate. Actually, we cooperated just fine - Cocoa checked one side of the kitchen for crumbs while I checked the other. Here's another picture of us checking the kitchen for crumbs.
Mmmmmmm! Found one! Here's another picture of me in the living room.
Are we going somewhere? It looks like we might be getting ready to go somewhere. I wanted to stay in Wisconsin and walk around outside, but we went right from the house to the car again. Sigh. It could have been such a fun day!

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