Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Photo Shoot

Last Wednesday I went to Welles Park. I thought I was going to run around but instead I just got my picture taken - a lot. Here's a picture of me in Welles Park. My human took it.
Here's another picture of me in Welles Park.
Lila M. Stromer took it. See the difference? Lila is a real photographer. She took my portrait at Pawz for Japan. Here's my portrait from Pawz for Japan.
Stunning, I know. Here's another picture she took of me in the park.
Here's a picture my human took of me in the park with Lila.
I'm not even looking at the camera. And does my fur look pink? Sigh. Here's a picture Lila took of me and my human.
SO much better. Here's a picture of me jumping in the park.
It's an action shot, but it's not blurry. Know why? Lila took it! My human says Lila has a better camera. Can you say denial? I can't, but I know what it means. I was getting annoyed on the grass because of all the flies. Seriously - they were all over me. Two landed on my ear at once. That's it! I'm out of here! We went over by the gazebo. There were less flies there. Here's a picture my human took of me in the gazebo.
No comment. A little boy came over and petted me. Here's a picture Lila took of me with the little boy.
He's smushing my ear. Here's another one.
He tried to take me home with him but my human said no. Here's a picture of him hugging me goodbye.
Yeah, I human took it. We walked around some more and I saw some kids eating in the park. I wanted to go over but I wasn't allowed. I don't see why not. I'm pretty sure they would have given me some food. I met a little dog named Frances. She was really little. She had to stand up on her hind legs just to say hi to me. Here's a picture Lila took of Frances saying hi to me.
See how little she is? Here's another picture Lila took of us together.
Are we done here? I am. I headed back to the car. Here's a picture Lila took of me in the car.
Trust me, it's not just the camera. I had fun with Lila, but I only give Welles Park 1 Paw because of all the flies.

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