Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Broiling...not the good kind.

Last week was broiling hot. On Tuesday I went with my human to the Do Zoo. That's where she goes to get groomed. It sounds like something else involving wild animals and, um...but, nevermind, it isn't. Anyway, here's a picture of me at The Do Zoo Hair Parlor. You can see another dog in the background. He was really jealous and barked whenever I got attention. Whatever. The people there were really nice and I got a milkbone. Mmmmmilkbones!

After my human was done being groomed we went to Oz Park. I thought it was going to be a bust, but guess what was right across the street - Dairy Queen! MMMMMMMMM! Soft serve ice cream!! Here's a picture of me enjoying my ice cream.
More please! I didn't get any more.
The next day we went for a walk in Lincoln Park...or maybe it was's hard to remember since it was so hot my brain fried. Here's a picture of me by some statue in Lincoln Park. Hans who? Can we go home now? We didn't. We walked around the pond instead. Why? I don't know. Apparently my human wanted me to see some cows. Are they turning on a spit? Sizzling on a hot grill? Then I'm really not interested. It was horrible. The wooden walkway isn't's some crap that burned my paws! Do I sound mad? I was. It really hurt! Here's a picture of me on the not-wood walkway that's searing the bottom of my paws off. TAKE ME HOME! Or to get ice cream, either one. We went home. Hey! I really wanted ice cream!

One day we went to the park by Belmont Harbor. My human walked me past the dog beach there, but she said it smelled bad so she didn't take me in. Instead she took this picture of me by some stupid pole.
Sigh. Summer in Chicago sucks. I heard it snowed in Washington. I really think I should get some more ice cream for this.

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