Friday, July 22, 2011


Yesterday was so hot. I didn't think it could get that hot. I had a fundraiser to go to called Divas & Dogs: A Pink Tie Affair, so my humans drove me to Parker's pet store to find me something to wear. Really? Yeah, they really did. They bought me a pink leash.'s not really my color. While we were there I snagged a corkscrew pig something or other. Mmmmmmm! Pig! It was delicious. Then we drove to the University of Chicago campus and went for a walk in the gardens on the Midway. Here's a picture of me in the garden.
I'm broiling. Why don't you just take me home and shove me in the oven? I turned around and headed back to the car. Here's a picture of me heading back to the car.
My human is still trying to take pictures; I'm just trying not to die of heat exhaustion. When we got home, my humans brought a kiddie pool out and filled it with water. They got me to stand in it. Here's a picture of me standing in my kiddie pool. what? Actually, it felt pretty good. It tasted good too! Here's a picture of me drinking in my kiddie pool.
Ah, refreshing! Can we go back in the air conditioning, please?

Then we went to the BARC benefit at Grossinger car dealership. Why was it at a car dealership? I don't know. BARC is the group that sent out an email with my picture when I was in the pound and that's how my humans found out about me and rescued me. I was wearing my new pink leash and some stupid flower thing my human put on my collar. Here's a picture of me with the pink leash and flower thing.
It's gigantic and it kept falling down under my chin. SO annoying. There were some booths at the benefit. I know what that means - treats! Here's a picture of me at one of the booths waiting for my treat.
See the flower? It's like some huge growth on the side of my neck. Here's a picture of me eating my treat.
Mmmmm! Chicken strips! Can I have another? I wasn't allowed. Here's a picture of me at another booth waiting for a treat.
It's a really bad picture. They had treats for humans too. They smelled SO good. Here's a picture of me watching the chef from Foodie University make treats for the humans.
See how low the counter is? Know what I'm thinking? Apparently my humans did too, because they didn't let me get close enough to grab anything. They gave me some when no one was watching though. I got some tortilla chips and potato wedges. Mmmmmmm! I also got some bean dip that someone dropped on the floor. Mmmmm! I got my portrait taken (don't ask me why) and there was a guy walking around with a camera who took a bunch of pictures of me and my humans. They hugged me and squished their faces next to mine. Cut it out! You're stifling me!! I got to meet lots of people who told me how pretty I am and petted me. And I got to meet Tina. Tina is the woman who sent out the email with my picture when I was in the pound. THANK YOU, TINA!!! Here's a picture of me with Tina.
Can we go home now? It's past my dinner time and I'm all pictured out. We went home and I got dinner - finally! Maybe tomorrow I'll try that pool again...

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