Sunday, July 17, 2011

Grizzly Day 2011!

On Friday I went to the beach for a really long time. My human went swimming. He went pretty far out. I stood on the beach and watched. Um....I hope you don't expect me to come out there and get you, because I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen. He didn't. When we got home I was exhausted. It's hard work standing on the beach. And it was hot.

Yesterday was the anniversary of the day I came to live with my humans. They call it Grizzly Day. It's usually a pretty good day. First I went for a car ride. Are we going someplace fun? Will it be air conditioned? We went to the Whole Foods Market Sauganash store. Why? I don't know, but there were a lot of dogs there. Some of them got baths, but not me. I got a hot dog! MMMMM! Hot dogs! It wasn't air conditioned, but that hot dog was really good. Here's a picture of me waiting for some hot dog.
More please! I didn't get any more. Here's a picture of me saying hi to another dog.Hi. He was there with One Tail At a Time hoping to get adopted. One of my humans stayed outside with me and the other one went in the store to get food. I got lots of pets and a lady took pictures of me and posted them on the Whole Foods Market Sauganash Facebook page. Here's one of the pictures she took.
Here's another one.It's a profile shot. When we were waiting for my human to come out of the store some black fluffy dog tried to bite me. He had his open mouth on my haunch! What the hell?! I spun around and gave him what for! He went right down on his belly. Then some bulldog kept barking at me. Whatever. I ignored him. I mean, what's he going to do, wheeze on me?

Then in the afternoon we went for a long walk. It's hot! Where are we going? I think I'd rather be home in the air conditioning. Wait a that ribs I smell?? It was!!!! MMMMMMMMM! RibFest take two!!! It was the Windy City RibFest in Uptown! And they had it on my Rescue Day! Here's a picture of me at the entrance to RibFest.
Can we skip the picture and just go in please? First we tried Aussom Aussie ribs. They were nice and meaty, but pretty lean. Here's a picture of me waiting in line at Aussom Aussie.
See how crowded it was? Then we tried the Teas Thunder ribs. Here's a picture of me waiting in line at Texas Thunder.
Oh boy!! The Texas Thunder ribs were just okay. We got an end piece and it had hardly anything on it! Is that why they call it a rib off? Oh, rip off...never mind. Next we got a Hawaiian Shaved Ice. I wasn't so sure about that. My human got the tropical flavored one. Don't they have rib flavored? They didn't. She gave me a bite of her shaved ice. UUUUUnnnngghhhmMMMMMMMMM! SO GOOD!!! More please!! Here's a picture of me asking for more shaved ice.
See how big it is? There's plenty to share! Here's a picture of me eating the shaved ice.MMMMMMM!! So good and icy!!! Can I have another?? I couldn't. Then we went to the Barbecue Co. here's a picture of me standing in line at the Barbecue Co. booth.
It's a really bad picture. I'm barely in it and I'm not even looking at the camera. And my human was so busy taking the picture that she let four people cut in front of us. Hey!! What if they run out of ribs?! They didn't. I got almost a whole rib all to myself and they were sooooooo goooood! Nice and moist and fatty and mmmmmmmmm! Best ribs so far!! I even got to lick the rib dish. Here's a picture of me licking the rib dish.My human thought this was funny. I don't get it. What do you mean we're going home? But there are more booths! I want another shaved ice! I didn't get one. And I had to walk home. Don't they have taxi's here? Apparently not. It was a long day and I was really tired. I give Windy City RibFest 3 Paws! It was good, but not as good as last year. Are we coming back tomorrow?


  1. Grizzly darling,
    Please accept my most pointed apothogen of an apology for not realizing that your year with the Waltons had passed in the twinkle of an eye! Yet, by the looks of it, I should be saying "Felicidades!!! Que pases un dia de felicidad... insuperable!" May we join each other soon for a 'frosty paw'?

    Your fan,

  2. Um, I don't really understand most of that, and I'm pretty sure pathogens are bad for you, but yeah, frosty paws!! MMMMMMM!
