Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lots of Stuff

It's been a really long time since I wrote on my blog. That's my human's fault. I've been doing lots of things.

I've been going to roll calls at police stations with Safe Humane Chicago. They talk a lot and show pictures on a screen and then I get to do some tricks and get petted. I don't know why they call it roll call since they don't have any rolls there. I was really looking forward to some rolls; sweet rolls, cinnamon rolls, dinner rolls. But I never got any. I was told there'd be rolls.

Then I went to a pet store protest. Here's a picture of me at the protest.

My human made me wear a sign for the picture.

And I've been going to the beach and on really long walks since it's getting nice and cool out – finally!

Today I went for a car ride. We went to see Joe and I got lamb puffs! Mmmmmmm! lamb puffs!! Then we went to Dunkin Donuts. My human said she was getting me something, but they lie to me a lot, so I wasn't sure. But when she got back in the car I could smell something wonderful! It smelled like sausage and pancakes and maple syrup and MMMMMMMMMM!!!! I had to wait until we got home to get any of my treat. It was really hard because the whole car smelled like it!! My special treat was sausage pancake bites. MMMMMMMMMMMMNNNGH! They were sooooo gooooood! Here's a picture of the sausage pancake bites.
There were 3 of them! Here's a picture of me eating one.
MMMMMMMMMMMMMORE, PLEASE!! I think whoever runs Dunkin Donuts must have a dog, but if Dunkin Donuts was run by a dog instead of a human, the sausage pancake bites would have bacon in them too. Mmmmmmmmmmm! Bacon! I give sausage pancake bites 3 Paws. If they had bacon I would give them 4 Paws.

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