Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chicago Canine Rescue's Mutt Strut

Today I had lots of fun. I met a really cute dog on my morning walk and we wrestled and ran around. I was so excited! He was young and blond and I hope I get to see him again really soon.

Then this afternoon I went to Chicago Canine Rescue's Mutt Strut. It's like a big event with a block long parade. It's not a long walk like the Stray Cat Strut for Tree House Humane Society. That's a five mile walk. That's a long walk. Is there an all you can eat pancake buffet at the end? No? Then I'm not doing it. Things I would walk five miles for: an all you can eat sausage, pancake, rib, cake, ice cream, rabbit, or steak buffet; a lifetime supply of Polar Pups, TriPom chews, or pig hearts; a canine cooler bed that can't be punctured by cat claws; a cheese fest. Maybe. Anyway, I was there with Safe Humane Chicago. Here's a picture of me at the SHC booth.
I'm wearing my SHC vest and my fancy Barker & Meowsky collar and leash. There were lots of people and dogs at the Mutt Strut. I met a Great Dane. Um, that's a really big dog. I met a Great Pyrenees too. He wasn't as big as the Great Dane, but he was really furry. There was even a cat there. Her name was Harley. She was in a stroller and someone had dressed her up. Here's a picture of me with the cat.
Does she look happy in that get up? No, she doesn't. Here's a picture of me trying to help her take it off.
See how much happier she looks? Her ears aren't back anymore. I met lots of kids too. Here's a picture of me with a little girl dressed up like a cat.
It's not a very good picture because she's starting to get up, but she sat with me for a long time and stroked my ears. Here's a picture of me with Superman.
He's not as big as I expected. A lot of other people came over to say hi and pet me too. One woman fed me a cupcake! Mmmmmmm! I liked her a lot! A man gave me some treats and one of the women at the SHC booth gave me a piece of sausage from her pizza. Mmmmmmmmm! PIZZA! I would also walk five miles for an all you can eat pizza buffet. There was a cake eating contest but I didn't get picked for it. I would've won a cake eating contest. I think I should get a cake to practice with so I'm ready for next time. I give the Mutt Strut 3 Paws. If I had gotten cake I would give it 4 Paws, but I didn't get any cake. It was a long day and now I'm really tired. I'm going to sleep until dinner.


  1. Awesome photos, Grizzly! The one of you helping the poor kitty take off her costume is especially my favorite. :)
