Friday, April 27, 2012

Bishop Shepard Little Memorial Center

Yesterday I visited Bishop Shepard Little Memorial Center to show the kids there how to be safe around dogs. It was like when I volunteer with Safe Humane Chicago except it was just me and my human and some students from Roosevelt University who were giving a presentation on animal cruelty. Here's a picture of me with the kids at Bishop Shepard Little Memorial Center.

Everybody in? No? Here's another one. 

It was a lot of work! I had to sniff all the kids there and get petted. Then I did some "tricks" - sit, down, wave, stay. That's a game we play where I do a bunch of different things to try and get my human to feed me. Mmmmmmmm! Cheese doodles! I was really asking for string cheese and meatballs. Some of the kids wanted to play too. It was a little confusing. I asked for peanut butter and bacon and whipped cream, but still I only got cheese doodles. My human gets it wrong most of the time, but we keep playing anyway. Um, I'll just do some things and then you feed me whatever you've got, okay? All of the kids wanted to feed me. My human let them each give me a treat. Mmmmmmmore, please! I didn't get any more. I give Bishop Shepard Little Memorial Center 3 Paws! If we go back again can I have string cheese? Please??

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