Thursday, September 30, 2010

Beach Day!

Today I went to the beach. There was just me and a beagle there. I chased him around. It was kind of annoying because he kept running in circles. Here's a picture of me chasing the beagle. I'm far behind because he had a big head start. When I went into the water he stood on the beach and taunted me. Here's a picture of me in the water being taunted. Then I chased a stick for awhile. The water felt so good! Here's a picture of me with a stick. Here's another picture of me with a stick. Here's another picture of me with a stick. My human took a lot of pictures of me with a stick. Here's another one. It would have been a really good picture if my human's shadow wasn't in the way. I could have stayed on the beach all day. Here's a picture of me hanging out on the beach. See how happy I am?

Then we walked to Starbuck's. There's a lot of art on the rocks by the beach. Here's a picture of me by one of the beach paintings. Why? I don't know. I decided to walk on the grass. I like it because there's a path. Here's a picture of me on the path to Starbuck's. Um, does this make my tail look big?

I wanted to go to Parkview and see Joe, but I wasn't allowed. It was a good day, but it would have been better if I had gone to the pet store. I didn't get any treats at all. And why is it so hot again? I want winter!!

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