Sunday, October 3, 2010


Today I went to Andersonville. First we stopped by Starbuck's. They had samples of pumpkin bread with whipped cream. Mmmmmmmm! Everything is better with whipped cream! Here's a picture of me at the free sample table.
It was so good! I wanted seconds, but I wasn't allowed. I don't see why not. See how many samples there are? One crazy woman even threw hers in the garbage can right next to where I was standing. I tried smiling and wagging my tail at her and everything, but she didn't pay any attention. Hey! Am I invisible?! I would have eaten that! I tried to get my human to pick it out of the garbage for me, but she refused.

Then we went to Chicago Costume. It was okay at first even though there were lots of wood floors. But then my human started putting things on me. Hey, cut that out! It was humiliating. I'm only posting these pictures as proof of abuse. Here's a picture of me wearing some stupid devil horns.

They pinched my head and it's not even a good picture. It got worse. Here's a picture of me wearing Harry Potter glasses.
Do I look happy here? NO, I don't. I don't even care that I got treats afterward. Well...yes I do.

Then we went to Famous Fido's. My human was going to get me a Halloween cookie, but they didn't have any so she got me a little cupcake. At least the nice lady gave me a treat. It didn't make up for the costume abuse, but it made me feel better.

When we got home I took a nap on my new dog bed from Orvis. Here's a picture of me on my dog bed.

It's red. I like it, but it's still not as nice as the chenille couch. Here's a picture of me on the couch.
See how comfy I look? I'm tired and it was a long day. HUH?? I smell STEAK!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMM! STEAK!!

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