Monday, June 21, 2010

Hot, Hot, Hot!

Today I went for a walk to Starbuck's and the bank. I like the bank because they give me milkbones, but today they were out of milkbones. But it was nice and cool inside and the whole place is carpeted so I give the bank 2 Paws. If they had milkbones I would give them 3 Paws, but they didn't. I usually get a water at Starbuck's, but today I wasn't thirsty. And then some guy started smoking right on the other side of the patio. There's a sign that says no smoking "on or within 15 feet" of the patio, but either he can't read or he can't count because he was smoking within 5 feet of the patio. I don't like cigarettes – they make me sneeze. So I got up and my human took me to the other side of the front door and we stood there and waited for my other human to come out of Starbuck's. Today I give Starbuck's 1 Paw because of the smoke.

On the way home we went to the beach. It was almost empty and then these 2 little Italian Greyhounds showed up right before I got to the gate. They were fast and really annoying. I tried to chase one, but it kept running and weaving around and I got tired. Then when I stopped the other one came up and they both sniffed and barked at me, but I was too tired to play anymore. After I caught my breath I stuck to chasing sticks. Then I went home and my humans put a fan on me because I was so wet. At first I didn't like the fan, but then it felt pretty good so I took a nap by it.

After dinner my humans watched a movie and I got a peanut! Mmmmmmmm! I hear people say all the time that they wouldn't work for peanuts. I don't understand that saying. I would totally work for peanuts. Then my humans dragged me outside for a walk. I don't know why you people take me out in these horrible conditions!! I hope this heat wave ends soon. It's almost winter, right?

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