On Saturday I got up early for my photo op with Mayor Daley. First we went to Parkview Pet Supplies and I got 2 lamb ears. Mmmmmmmm! Lamb ears!! I got some beef puffs too! Mmmmmm! Beef puffs! Then we walked across the street to Bromann Playground to wait for the Mayor. Here's a picture of me at Bromann Playground.I'm waiting outside the playground. Why? Because dogs aren't allowed inside the playground. No, really. Here's a picture of me next to the sign that say dogs aren't allowed.Huh? I don't see why not. Some people ignored the sign and took their dogs in anyway. We waited a long time. I was bored. I wanted to go across the street and get another lamb ear. Or two. Finally Mayor Daley showed up. Here's a picture of me with Mayor Daley. He didn't stop. Here's a picture of me outside the park wondering why the hell we just stood around for an hour.I think I was snubbed. I'd rather be at the beach anyway. We went to the beach. Here's a picture of me on the beach.See how much happier I look? Here's a picture of me running out of the water with a big stick.It was really big. After I went in the water I rolled around in the sand. It was nice and cool. Here's a picture of me after I rolled in the sand.What's so funny? I didn't want to go home. I wanted to stay at the beach. Here's a picture of me refusing to leave the beach.No! I'm not going. They made me go. I got to the park. Look! There's still sand here! Let's stay here for a while. Here's a picture of me lying on the sand in the park.They made me get up. No! I don't want to go home! There are too many cats there! It's so nice outside. We got all the way to our block. NO! I'm putting my paws down – all four of them! Here's a picture of me refusing to go home.Do you have something to do? I don't! I can stay here all day! They made me go home. I'll get sand and lake water all over your couch! They made me go home anyway. Sigh.
Last week I got a massage. Here's a picture of me with Bruce from Companion Animal Touch Therapies. He's giving me my massage. Um…is he supposed to be doing that? I wasn't sure what was going on. But it felt really good. Here's another picture of me getting my massage. See how relaxed I am? See? Then I got on my Orvis bed and he massaged me there too. Here's a picture of me getting a massage on my dog bed. Um…oh…yeah….that's it….oh boy. I think I liked my massage but I'm reserving judgment until next time. There's a next time, right? Right?