On Thursday I went to the Safe Humane Chicago fundraiser, Diamonds in the Ruff at Salvage One. When we walked in, there was a table of cupcakes by the entrance. I liked Salvage One right away! We walked around and found the table for the Youth Leaders program. Um...hey, this table is all the way on the other side of the room from all the food! Lots of people came over and pet me and talked to my human. I kept trying to get over to the food, but I wasn't allowed. Here's a picture of me at the Youth Leaders table.
I'm sitting on my rug from home. Can we go eat now? We didn't. Finally my human brought over something to eat. It was soooo good! Prosciutto on a baguette! Mmmmmmm! Hey, I smell barbeque!! Can I have some? Please? Pleeeeeease??? I got some! Um, that's...not...meat. Why would there be barbeque without meat? I don't get it. Then my human got a cupcake. I LOVE cupcakes! I wanted it so bad I laid down without even being told to. I got half the cupcake! MMMMMMMMMMMMM! Finally my human walked me around the room. I got to eat a lot of crumbs off the floor. I wanted to go over to the people who were sitting down eating, but I wasn't allowed. I don't see why not. I stopped at the tallest counter. Here's a picture of me at the counter.
This must be where all the meat is! It wasn't. My human got a limeade. I got nothing. Hmph.
Then my human took me over to get my picture taken with Hector. He's one of the Vicktory dogs who was rescued by Best Friends Animal Society. Here's a picture that Jill Tondu from Spicy Dog Photo took of me and Hector.
He wasn't paying attention. Here's another one.
Don't jump on me, okay? Here's another picture she took of me and Hector.
If I'm not getting any treats for this, I think I'm done here. I'm tired and it's past my dinner time. Feed me or take me home! We went home. It was fun to see all the people, but next time can we get some Popeye's?