MOST. EXCITING. DAY. EVER!!!!! Yesterday I went for a walk in the park by Foster and Lake Shore Drive and guess what I saw? DEER! Two of them!!! Oh my god!! I had no idea they had those things here! Lemme at 'em! I smelled it first, but I couldn't believe my nose. And then I saw it! It was just lying under a tree trying to pretend it wasn't there, but they can't fool me. I took one look and I knew it was a real deer. Mmmmmmm! Venison!! Here's a picture of the deer trying to hide under the tree. Hey! I see you! It saw me too and it jumped up and ran. I tried to run after it because I forgot about the damn leash! Let me go!!! My one human held me back and the other one went and took more pictures. Here's a picture of the deer after I scared it away. Doesn't it look delicious?! Here's a picture of it sitting under another tree with the second deer. Can you say smorgasbord? I can't, but I know what it means! I tried and tried to get away from my humans so I could go get at least one deer, but they wouldn't let me. Here's a picture of me trying to head back toward the deer. They're right under those trees! Arrrgh! SO Frustrating!! I'm a hunting dog! Let me hunt!!!! We could eat off those things for days! Weeks, even! They wouldn't let me. I was pulled and dragged down the muddy sidewalk and back onto Foster. For a while I thought I could just head around the back way and get them there, but my humans were on to me. We went to Starbuck's. (Mmmmmmm! Whipped cream!) And then we saw Joe at Parkview. (MMMMM!! Lamb puffs! Lamb ears! Pig ears!) It was all good, but I had a plan. I tried to go to the park on the way home. It didn't work. My humans took me home. You people suck!! You just turned the most exciting day ever into the biggest disappointment ever! But I have another plan…and I'm not telling anyone! Hmph!