Then my human took me to the agility course. A woman walked around and gave me cheese when I followed her. Here's a picture of me stepping through a big round thing and eating string cheese.
There aren't too many places I wouldn't go if there is string cheese in front of me. Here's a picture of me going through a tube.
It's not my best angle. It was cool inside the tube, so I decided to lie down. Here's a picture of me trying to ignore the string cheese so I can stay inside the cool tube.
Here's a picture of me trying to reach the string cheese without leaving the cool tube.
It's not my best angle. It was cool inside the tube, so I decided to lie down. Here's a picture of me trying to ignore the string cheese so I can stay inside the cool tube.
Here's a picture of me trying to reach the string cheese without leaving the cool tube.
No! It's hot! Why are you people tormenting me with cheese?! Here's a picture of me sitting on the edge of the tube for the string cheese.
It was too good to resist. I made it through the whole course. I would have been happy just to eat cheese. I don't see why I had to walk all over the place for it.
After the agility course we sat around for a long time doing nothing and I was really hot. It was boring. Then one of my humans took me over to the Robinson's Rib tent. Mmmmmmm! Ribs! I was so excited! He didn't get ribs, he got a cheeseburger. MMMMMMM! Cheeseburgers!! Here's a picture of me waiting for some cheeseburger.
After the agility course we sat around for a long time doing nothing and I was really hot. It was boring. Then one of my humans took me over to the Robinson's Rib tent. Mmmmmmm! Ribs! I was so excited! He didn't get ribs, he got a cheeseburger. MMMMMMM! Cheeseburgers!! Here's a picture of me waiting for some cheeseburger.
It was sooooo good!!
Then we went into a tent for the Safe Humane Chicago presentation and I sat up at the front of the tent where everyone could see me. There were supposed to be lots of kids there to come up and pet me, but there weren't any. Some people took my picture and said I was pretty. After that we went over to another tent and I was the only dog there – except for some fake dogs. Why? I don't know. Here's a picture of me with one of the fake dogs.
Then we went into a tent for the Safe Humane Chicago presentation and I sat up at the front of the tent where everyone could see me. There were supposed to be lots of kids there to come up and pet me, but there weren't any. Some people took my picture and said I was pretty. After that we went over to another tent and I was the only dog there – except for some fake dogs. Why? I don't know. Here's a picture of me with one of the fake dogs.
I sat around and got treats while children came up to pet me. Here's a picture of me being petted by a little girl.
Here's a picture of a little girl saying hi.
Here's a picture of her petting me.
After they pet me, the children got lollipops. Hey, those smell good! Here's a picture of me trying to get a lollipop.
I wasn't allowed.
My human said she would take me to the beach later, but we didn't go to the beach, we just came home. That's okay with me. I'm exhausted. At home I got a peanut butter frozen dogurt! MMMMMMMM! Dogurt! Zzzzzzzzzz.....