Saturday, September 24, 2011

Another Summer Day

A few weeks ago I went to the beach. It was so much fun! There were lots of waves. Here's a picture of me getting hit by a wave.
It felt good! Here's another picture of my in the waves.
It's hard to see, but I'm smiling! Here's a picture of me jumping in the waves.
Can we live at the beach?? I don't see why not. Here's a picture of me in the water with another dog.
I'm telling him to go away. He listened. I found a big stick to play with. Here's a picture of me with my stick on the beach.
It's blurry because I'm shaking it. Here's a picture of me bringing my stick out of the water.
I may have dropped it a couple of times because it was so big. Here's another picture of me with my stick in the water.
The next time I went to the beach, my stick was gone. I really don't see why we can't live there.

1 comment:

  1. Grizzly, tell your parents to buy you a "beach house" then you can live on the beach! i've visited a few beach houses and I think it's exactly what you need!!
