Thursday, July 29, 2010

Loooong Day

Today I went for a walk with my humans. We walked to Dunkin Donuts. I was so excited!! I LOVE donuts!! Here's a picture of me waiting outside Dunkin Donuts.

See how happy I look. It's because I think I'm getting donuts. Mmmmmmm! But I didn't get donuts. My human got coffee and a bagel and I got nothing! HUMPH! I thought maybe I could walk to the pet store for treats. I kept trying to walk toward the pet store, but my humans wouldn't go that way. They walked me to Buttercup Playlot. It was okay, but the pet store would have been a lot better. I give Buttercup Playlot 2 Paws. Then we walked all the way down to the park and I stood in the shade and my human brushed me with the Furminator. Here's a picture of me after my brushing.

It's about time! See all the fur on the ground? That's just the stuff that didn't blow away. I don't really like being brushed all that much, but I felt a lot cooler after.

I saw a squirrel on the grass out in the open and he didn't notice me. I was thirsty and squirrels may look furry and hot, but they're really juicy and very refreshing. The squirrel saw me and started running around in circles. I tried to run after him but my leash stopped me. I would have caught that squirrel if I didn't have a leash on! I started running around and jumping because I almost caught a squirrel and it made me really excited. Then I was hot and tired and we went home.

At home I got a special treat – I got a TriPom chicken chew! Mmmmmmm! I LOVE TriPom Chews! Here's a picture of the giant bag my human got me.

It was my special Grizzly Day present. I like the ones with molasses best. MMMMMMMM! I give TriPom Chews 4 Paws! Mmmmmmore please!

Later I went down on the deck with my human. I only went down because I thought I was going to get fed outside. But I didn't get anything.

Then after that my humans took me down to the corner of our street and we stood there with some other people for a long time. I didn't see the point. My human says it helps keep the neighborhood safe. Huh? She calls it 'positive loitering.' I call it boring. I was glad when we went back home. My dinner was late from standing outside so long.

Then later my humans headed out the back and I wanted to go with. I LOVE car rides! And this was a goooood car ride – we went to Popeye's! MMMMMMMM!!! Fried chicken!!!! Biscuits!!! French fries!!! Mac and cheese!!! MMMMMMMMMMNNGHHH!!! We went to the drive thru. I LOVE big bags of food! It smelled sooooo goooood!! I got so excited. My human gave me a french fry. MMMMMM!!!! When we got home I got some of everything – except the coleslaw. I probably would eat the coleslaw, but I wouldn't like it as much as fried chicken and french fries and MMMMMMMM!!!!! I give Popeye's 4 Paws! The only thing that would have made it better is if I had a donut for dessert.

My chest hurts. I'm going to bed.

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